Monthly Archives: April 2019

Surgery Rotation 3 Reflection

Surgery Rotation 3 Reflection

Types of patients you found challenging in this rotation and what you learned about dealing with them

The types of patients I found challenging in this rotation are the ones that refuse treatment. I remember there was a patient with small bowel obstruction who refused to put a NG tube in because she believed that her symptoms will go away by itself eventually and she did not need someone to stick a tube into her nose. Patients who refused treatment are the ones that always require a lot of time and patience for explanation. In this case, we had to figure out the reason for patient’s rejection of a NG tube. We had to explained that the symptoms will not just go away without treatment and that the patient needs to be admitted for monitoring. It was also important to explain the complication with untreated small bowel obstruction, such as perforation and peritonitis. I learn that for the patients that refuse treatment, providers should always try to convince the patient by explaining the risks and benefits of the treatment. Patients should fully understand the reason for the treatment and the consequences without treatment before leaving the hospital against medical advice.

How your perspective may have changed as a result of this rotation (e.g. elderly patients, kids, IV drug users, etc).

My perspective towards surgery have changed as a result of this rotation. Before going into surgery rotation, I was afraid of long hours of standings, days where I have to be on-calls, and not getting enough sleep. I didn’t know how would I be able to complete my online assignments, while I also need to spend time studying for the case as well as my EOR exam. I know I would need to have a great time management skill when I need to work 65-85 hours per week. I started create a list of to-do every day so that I could make sure that I would get this assignment done on this day. After this rotation, I think my time management skills have improved and well-developed. I learn how to prioritize better in order to get my assignments submitted on time.

How could the knowledge I’ve gained here be applicable in other rotations/disciplines?

The knowledge that I’ve gained here definitely helps in other rotations. In this rotation, we have to deal with surgical patients every day. I learn how to recognize the patients that are in life-threatening situation and in need of emergency surgery. This is particular important because no matter which field or specialty we choose to go into, we need to recognize the patients that need surgery and refer them to the appropriate facility. In this rotation, I also got the opportunity to practice a lot of the clinical skills, such as venipuncture, chest compression, place NG tube, I&D, putting in a Foley, and suture placement. These are the clinical skills that I might not have the chance to practice in previous rotation. I also get to assist in a lot of the central line placement. The knowledge and clinical skills that I’ve gained in this rotation will help me with future surgical patients and performing the appropriate clinical skill when needed.

What do you want to improve on for the following rotations? What is your action plan to accomplish that?

For the following rotations, I would like to continue to work on my procedure log book. There are still a lot of other clinical skills that I would like to practice. I still haven’t done any IV placement, arterial line placement, or drawing ABG. I want to have the opportunity to practice and learn as many clinical skills as possible. My action plan to accomplish that is letting my preceptors know that I am really interested in practicing my clinical skills and ask if they are willing to teach me when there is a chance. Also, I will also ask the nurses for teaching because they are the ones that are doing IV placement every day.

Surgery Rotation 3 Site Visit Summary

Site Evaluation Presentation Summary – Your summary of what you presented, feedback received, and changes planned.

In the mid-rotation evaluation site visit, I presented a case on appendicitis. It was an 18-year-old female complained of right lower quadrant abdominal pain.  I chose to present this case because I learn that in a young female with lower abdominal pain, not only that appendicitis and urinary symptoms should be rule out, but it is also important to rule out gynecology problems. Then my site evaluator reviewed my procedure log book to make sure that I was on track with the completion of the procedures. Lastly, I got quizzed on pharm cards.

In the final evaluation site visit, I presented a case on a male with septic shock secondary to acute severe pancreatitis. I chose to present this case because I learned acute critical care for this patient and assisted in central line placement. The patient was eventually transferred to ICU and got intubated. My site evaluator also discussed the differential diagnosis with me for patients presents with epigastric pain and back pain. After the case presentation, I also presented a recent article on treatment of acute severe pancreatitis.  Severe acute pancreatitis can also be associated with persistent organ failure. There is no specific drug in treating severe acute pancreatitis. Therefore, the article explore how continuous blood purification might benefit patients with severe acute pancreatitis. Lastly, my procedure log book is reviewed by my site evaluator and I also got quizzed on my pharm cards.

Feedback from my site evaluator include the need to work on presentation. Up until now, I still need to rely on looking at my printed copy of H&P in order to present the patient. I need to work on knowing the case more so that I can present more fluently. The goal for my next evaluation is that I will be presenting without the need to keep referring back to the printed copy.

Surgery Rotation 3 Article and Summary

Continuous blood purification for severe acute pancreatitis_… _ Medicine

Article Summary


Continuous blood purification for severe acute pancreatitis: A systematicreview and meta-analysis.

Hu Y, Xiong W, Li C, Cui Y.

Medicine (Baltimore). 2019 Mar;98(12):e14873. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000014873.

PMID: 30896634


Acute Pancreatitis can develop severe acute pancreatitis with persistent organ failure. To date, there is no specific drug in treating severe acute pancreatitis, and the treatment is still based on supportive care. This study is conducted to evaluate the efficacy of CBP in SAP treatment. CBP is performed to remove inflammatory cytokines and maintain the stability of the internal environment in the organism. It includes 4 RCTs and 8 prospective studies based on search for eligible studies from 1980 to 2018.


Result of the study shows that

  • There is a significant advantage found in favor of the CBP approaches in terms of Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE II) score (WMD = −3.00,95%CI = −4.65 to −1.35)
  • serum amylase (WMD = −237.14, 95% CI = −292.77 to 181.31)
  • serum creatinine (WMD = −80.54,95%CI = 160.17 to −0.92)
  • length of stay in the ICU (WMD = −7.15,95%CI = −9.88 to −4.43)
  • mortality (OR = 0.60, 95%CI = 0.38–0.94).
  • No differences were found in terms of CRP, ALT, and length of hospital stay


  • CBP improved clinical outcomes, including redced incidence organ failure, decreased serum amylase, APACHE II score, length in stay in the ICU and lower mortality rate. The study is concluding that it is a safer treatment option compared to conventional treatment.
  • More higher quality RCTs will be needed to prove these findings

Surgery Rotation 3 HP

rt3 HP2

Note: exams in light grey shade are NOT performed


Patient’s name: CM

Age: 71

Gender: female

Race: African American

Location: Queens Hospital Center, Jamaica NY

Date: Apr 1st, 2019

Informant: self, reliable

CC: “abdominal pain” x 3 days


71 y/o female with significant PMHx of recently diagnosed advanced rectal cancer presents to the ED with generalized abdominal pain x 3 days. Pt reports abdominal discomfort and rumbling since the last dose of chemoradiation about 5 days ago. States that her stools are getting thinner, but she attributes this to her decreased appetite. Her last bowel movement was on 3 days ago and it was small mucoid material. Admits to not having a normal bowel movement for several weeks, and not passing gas for 5 days. Also admits to nausea and several episodes of non-bilious non-bloody vomiting. Denies fever, chills, chest pain, palpitation, SOB, urinary symptoms.


Rectal Cancer, diagnosed on Jan, 2019

Past Surgical History:



Current outpatient medications include:

Colace 100mg capsule PO, BID

Ferrous sulfate tablet 325mg PO, BID

Zofran 4mg tablet, 1 tablet PO q8h PRN



Family History:

Not able to obtain from patient

Social History:

Denies use of alcohol, smoking, and illicit drug.


General: Patient denies generalized weakness, fatigue, fever, chill or night sweats

Positive: weight loss >40lbs, decrease appetite

Skin, Hair, Nails: Patient denies any changes of texture, excessive dryness or sweating, discolorations, pigmentations, moles, rashes, pruritus, or changes in hair condition

Head: Patient denies headache, vertigo, head trauma, or fracture

Eyes: Patient denies visual disturbance, lacrimation, photophobia, pruritus, or last eye exam

Ears: Patient denies deafness, pain, discharge, tinnitus

Nose/Sinuses: Patient denies discharge, epistaxis, or obstruction

Mouth and throat: Patient denies bleeding gums, sore tongue, sore throat, mouth ulcers or last dental exam

Neck: Patient denies localized swelling or lumps, stiffness or decreased range of motion

Breast: Patient denies lumps, nipple discharge, pain, or last mammogram

Pulmonary System: Patient denies SOB, DOE, cough, wheezing, hemoptysis, cyanosis, orthopnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea

Cardiovascular System: Patient denies chest pain, palpitations, edema, syncope, or known heart murmur

Gastrointestinal System: see HPI

Genitourinary System: Patient denies changes in frequency, nocturia, urgency, oliguria, polyuria, dysuria, change in color of urine, incontinence, awakening at night to urinate, or pain

Menstrual and Obstetrical: unable to obtain from patient

Nervous System: Patient denies seizures, headache, loss of consciousness, sensory disturbances, numbness, paresthesia, dysesthesias, ataxia, loss of strength, change in cognition, mental status, memory, or weakness

Musculoskeletal System: Patient denies muscle or joint pain, deformity or swelling, redness, arthritis

Peripheral System: patient denies intermittent claudication, coldness or trophic changes, varicose veins, peripheral edema, or color changes

Hematological System: Patient denies anemia, easy bruising or bleeding, or lymph node enlargement

Endocrine System: Patient denies polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, heat or cold intolerance or goiter

Psychiatric: Patient denies depression, sadness, feeling of helplessness, hopelessness, lack of interest in usual activities, anxiety, obsessive or compulsive disorder, seen a mental health professional, or use medications

Physical Examination:

General:  A/Ox3. Well dressed and doesn’t appear to be distressed. Pt seems cachexic and thin. Looks older than her stated age.

Vital Signs:

BP (supine): 130/70 mmHg

HR: 102 bmp, regular rhythm, slightly tachycardia

RR:  18 breath per min, not labored

Temp: 97.5F oral

O2 sat: 99 room air

Height/weight/BMI: unable to obtain from patient

Skin: Warm & moist, good turgor. Nonicteric, no lesions noted, no scars, tattoos.

Hair: Average quantity and distribution

Nails: No clubbing, capillary refill <2 seconds throughout.

Head: Normocephalic, atraumatic, non-tender to palpation throughout

Eyes: Symmetrical OU; no strabismus, exophthalmos or ptosis; sclera white; conjunctiva & cornea clear. Visual acuity with glasses 20/20 OS, 20/20 OD, 20/20 OU. Visual fields full OU. PERRLA (old people do not accommodate), EOMs full with no nystagmus. Fundoscopy – Red reflex intact OU. Cup:Disk < 0.5 OU, no AV nicking, papilledema, hemorrhage, exudate, cotton wool spots, or neovascularization OU

Ears: Symmetrical and normal size. No lesions, masses, trauma on external ears. No discharge, foreign bodies in external auditory canals AU. TM’s pearly white, cone of light at 4 o’clock in right ear, 7 o’clock in the left ear. Auditory acuity intact to whispered voice AU. Weber midline, and Rinne reveals AC>BC AU

Nose: Symmetrical with no masses, lesions, deformities, or trauma. Nasal mucosa pink, no discharge or foreign bodies. Anterior septum deviated to left, no lesions, deformities, injection perforation

Sinuses: Nontender to palpation and percussion over bilateral frontal, ethmoid and maxillary sinuses

Lips: Pink, dry, no cyanosis or lesions

Mucosa: Light pink, dry, no masses, lesions, or leukoplakia

Palate: Pink, hydrated. Palate intact with no lesions, masses, scars, nontender to palpation, continuity intact

Gingivae: Pink, no hyperplasia, masses, lesions, erythema, or discharge

Tongue: Pink, no masses, lesions, or deviations noted

Oropharynx: Hydrated, no injection, exudate, masses, lesions, or foreign body. Tonsil present with no injection or extrudate, uvula light pink, no edema or lesions

Neck: No masses, lesions or scars. Trachea midline, pulsation noted. Supple nontender to palpation. 2+ carotid pulses, no thrills, bruits bilaterally. No palatable adenopathy

Thyroid: Nontender, no palpable masses, no thyromegaly, no bruits

Chest: Symmetrical, lat to AP diameter 2:1, no deformities, no trauma. Respirations unlabored. Nontender to palpation

Lungs: Clear to auscultation and percussion bilaterally. Chest expansion and diaphragmatic excursion symmetrical. Tactile fremitus intact throughout. No wheezing, crackles, rales

Heart: S1, S2 without murmur, no gallops, S3 or S4. RRR. No JVD. Carotid pulse are 2+ bilaterally without bruits

Abdomen: Mildly elevated abdomen, symmetrical, no scars, striae, caput medusae or abnormal pulsations. Distended, hyperactive bowel sounds. No bruits. Tympany to percussion throughout. Nontender to percussion or to light and deep palpation. No organomegaly, guarding, or rebound tenderness. No CVAT bilaterally. No peritoneal sign.

Female genitalia: External – normal pubic hair pattern, no erythema, inflammation, ulcerations, lesions or discharge. Bartholins, Urethra, Skenes glands wnl. Vaginal mucosa without inflammation, erythema or discharge. Cervix nulli or multiparous without lesions or discharge. No cervical motion tenderness. Uterus retro-flexed, mobile, non-tender and of normal size, shape, and consistency. Adnexa without masses or tenderness

Rectal: No external hemorrhoids, skin tags, ulcers, sinus tracts, anal fissures, inflammation or excoriations. Good anal sphincter tone. 2cmx 2cm mass felt at junction between sigmoid and rectum. Trace brown stool present in vault. FOB negative

Peripheral vascular: The extremities are normal in color, size and temperature. Pulses are 2+ bilaterally in upper and lower extremities. No bruits, clubbing, cyanosis or edema noted bilaterally. No stasis changes or ulcerations noted


Mental status: Alert and oriented to person, place and time. Memory and attention intact. Receptive and expressive abilities intact. Thought coherent. No dysarthria, dysphonia or aphasia noted

Cranial nerve:

I – Intact no anosmia.

II- VA 20/20 bilaterally. Visual fields by confrontation full. Fundoscopic + red light reflex OS/OD, discs yellow with sharp margins. No AV nicking, hemorrhages or papilledema noted.

III-IV-VI- PERRLA, EOM intact without nystagmus.

V- Facial sensation intact, strength good. Corneal reflex intact bilaterally.

VII- Facial movements symmetrical and without weakness.

VIII- Hearing grossly intact to whispered voice bilaterally. Weber midline. Rinne AC>BC.

IX-X-XII- Swallowing and gag reflex intact. Uvula elevates midline. Tongue movement intact.

XI- Shoulder shrug intact. Sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles strong.

Motor/Cerebellar: Full active and passive ROM of all extremities without rigidity or spasticity. Normal muscle bulk and tone. No atrophy, tics, tremors or fasciculations. Strength equal and appropriate for age bilaterally (5/5 throughout). No Pronator Drift. Gait normal with no ataxia. Tandem walking and hopping show balance intact. Coordination by RAM and point to point intact bilaterally. Romberg negative

Sensory: Intact to light touch, sharp/dull, vibratory, proprioception, point localization, extinction, stereognosis and graphesthesia testing bilaterally

Reflexes                      R         L                                              R         L

Brachioradialis            2+        2+                    Patellar 2+        2+

Triceps                        2+        2+                    Achilles           2+        2+

Biceps                         2+        2+                    Babinski          neg      neg

Abdominal                  2+/2+  2+/2+              Clonus             negative

Meningeal signs: No nuchal rigidity noted. Brudzinski’s and Kernig’s signs negative

Musculoskeletal System:

Upper extremities and lower extremities: No soft tissue swelling, erythema, ecchymosis, atrophy or deformities in bilateral upper and lower extremities. Nontender to palpation, no crepitus noted throughout. Full range of motion of all upper and lower extremities bilaterally. No spinal deformities

Imaging Studies and labs:

CT abdomen/pelvis: Wall thickening in the rectum that likely corresponds to patient’s known neoplasm. This area appears to cause a degree of obstruction as evidenced by proximal colon containing air and stool with abrupt tapering in the rectum. Increase dilation of colon. No free intraperitoneal air.


WBC 4.4 dec

HGB 10.7 dec

HCT 33.4 dec

MCH 25.8 dec

MPV 7.0 dec

RDW 17.2 inc

Neutrophil 84.1 inc

Lymphocytes 10.4 dec


Chloride 95 dec

Anion gap 19 inc


AST 42 inc


71 y/o female with above findings presents for evaluation of abdominal pain, most consistent malignant large bowel obstruction secondary to rectal cancer.

Differential Diagnosis:


Sigmoid volvulus





Admit to general surgery for emergency transverse loop colostomy

NPO, IV fluid with LR 1 L bolus not then 125/ml/hr